Greens push for inquiry into the Securency international banknote bribery scandal - testnepalawaz
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Greens push for inquiry into the Securency international banknote bribery scandal

Written By Pbc on Tuesday, 16 August 2011 | 00:33

The Australian Greens will move to establish an inquiry into the Securency international banknote bribery scandal.

Federal authorities in a number of Asian and African countries have launched investigations into Securency International, the company accused of bribery to induce officials in a number of countries to use its banknote products.

The Nepalese government is the latest to launch an investigation into the scandal after evidence to suggest two agents of Note Printing Australia (NPA) in Nepal and Malaysia used some of their commission to bribe foreign officials in return for banknote contracts was allegedly uncovered by Australian newspapers.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has a half-share in Securency International which is at the centre of allegations which sparked investigations by police forces including the Australian Federal Police (AFP), the UK's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and Malaysia's Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Greens MP Adam Bandt will introduce a motion in the lower house calling on the federal government to establish its own independent inquiry, with the powers of a royal commission, into the scandal.

"Now more than ever we need to have confidence in the integrity and governance of the Reserve Bank," Mr Bandt said.

The proposed inquiry would direct the prime minister to establish a full and independent inquiry immediately to investigate and report on corruption allegations in securing note printing contracts and payments to overseas agents in offshore tax havens.

Mr Bandt said the inquiry should also examine what the RBA, Austrade and the federal government know about the alleged behaviour and when they knew about it.
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